To All 'DigiDestined'

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Re: To All 'DigiDestined'

Postby Crescent » Sun Nov 22, 2015 1:49 pm

Nana: u 3u Nothing wrong with the whole team.

Anyway my mchat comments kinda remind me >_>

I ain't taking any of the details too super srs. The film series seems like it's firmly a love letter to the now-adult original fans (versus, say, Crystal, that as a retelling is accessible to both old and new) and is telling a story within its limits without letting every tiny factor weigh it down. I could be all "ARGH YAMATO IF U SO SET ON DOING THE RIGHT THING AND FIGHTING WHILE TAICHI SHINJIS OUT Y R U LETTING YOUR ADULT LEVEL GET TRASHED WHEN YOU COULD BE FIGHTING AS AN ULTIMATE (ALSO Y AIN'T EVERYONE ELSE USING PERFECT BESIDES BEING TOO BUSY GETTING THEIR SHIT WREKT)" but that just hampers my enjoyment of something that was otherwise super fun ~_~
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Re: To All 'DigiDestined'

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Sun Nov 22, 2015 10:14 pm

I kinda feel like griping about the Digimon Evolutions is the same as complaining about transformations in a Magical Girl anime or movie or Tokustatu. Evolutions are our Henshin. The way it was done in the fight, the Digimon had just gotten there and immediately jumped into combat. Greymon, an Adult Level, was getting his shit rocked against the (also Adult Level) Kuwagamon then two more showed up. It would be stupid as hell to have all those Child Levels go try to beat them up and it would've felt kinda broken to have them go without an Evolution sequence at that point.

And we only got them all once, as in the 4th part we got exactly what you described. "Action over Evolutions" because it fit better for the end point. We didn't see each evolution because it would have broken the flow of the fight and lost the impact. (The momentum?) I rather liked the gradual evolution to Omegamon, with each evolution along the way getting in shots at Alphamon. XD I did kinda feel like it echoed a lot of our Season 3 Ending Fights/the Starfall Threads, though. Just Alphamon all "Nope. *LASER* Nope. *LASER LASER* Nope. *LASER* Denied. *DOUBLE LASER*" until big power boost/equal Evolution Level drives him back into a Digihole. 8D

Also, Graham called it "LoE". *snicker* XD I mean, he ain't wrong... technically. ("The LoE isn't strong enough to hold the form together." I believe was his exact comment on the effect that happened to Omegamon's head when he was firin' his lazar attacking with a charged Garuru Cannon.)

* * *
To be honest, though. I hadn't really thought of it that way. o 3o~

Graham pointed out the Persona 3 movies, which is retelling the game's story in four parts. We know it's going to be in four parts, and we know they'll stop at events, but we're not sure what events. (We can now guess what the third one stopped at if we can't find out via Japanese boards and such.)

Justin pointed out Sailor Moon Crystal, which is a retelling of the manga. There are five arcs. (Sailor Moon/"Dark Kingdom" -- Acts 1-14, Black Moon -- Acts 14-26, Mugen/Infinity -- Acts 27-38, Yume/Dream -- Acts 39-49, and Stars -- Acts 50-60.) We're getting the Infinity Arc soon. I am hoping we also get the Dream and Stars Arcs, but they seem to judge whether or not to continue based on the previous season's performance. However, we know there are 5 parts to this series overall.

We have been told this is... what, a six-part story? We know there will be more movies. This being a huge cock-tease is; exactly as Graham said; part of the job description. It's not a retelling like Persona 3 and Sailor Moon Crystal, but it's still a planned series. We got character interactions, reintroductions, evolutions, and combat. We have been pushed into the pool and it's exciting and you want more of it. This is the entire point and they did an excellent job of it.

...It was also pointed out that this is a more adult Digimon. This is what we enjoy about DU, isn't it? A more grown-up story and these kids that we have as Tamers having to deal with serious issues? Sometimes issues that are bigger than themselves?

I mean, the start of the story and we see something as serious and devastating as the 02 cast getting rekt in a manner that's kinda worrisome. Although... actually, looking at it like this... they don't really look too much older than I remember them being in the series. (Miyako maybe looks a tad little older...)

That might be because this isn't too far after 02's story end (before DAT EPILOGUE) but it could also indicate an older battle (lost) that changed something...? Hn. [Note: ALSO, I LIKE HOW DAISUKE WAS THE ONLY ONE I MANAGED TO GET A CLEAN PAUSE FOR.]

* * *
......Y'know... Can I ask a different question here?

Why is Taichi the one getting all this shit anyway...? >_>


HE WATCHED THE NEWS, BUT NEVER WENT TO THE FIGHT. HE HAS STOPPED HANGING OUT WITH THE OTHERS. HE'S TECHNICALLY BECOME UNRELIABLE. Is it really all "okay" because he's decided to focus all his efforts and energy on studying for exams? I don't feel that's very fair.

Taichi's big problem is that he's not sure what he should do. I'm sure that's partly because this is the Analog World. This is where he and millions of other human beings live. This is what they fought so hard to come back to, and now it's in terrible danger faster than they could take it all in. (In danger "again", yes, but if they have forgotten Daisuke, Miyako, Iori, and Ken, then it's possible they forgot the events of 02 for now as well? So the only threat they would clearly remember was Vamdemon's Shenanigans. They fought Apocalymon in the Digital World. In Cyberspace. They literally became data and still won.) This is not the Digital World. This is not some pocket of cyberspace. This damage can't be repaired easily or rewritten with a snap. The injuries and lives that might be taken in this scenario won't just respawn. They won't just go to Primary Village/the Village of Beginnings and start over. If Alphamon were to just nuke a train station, (especially at, say, Rush Hour,) ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE ARE DEAD. YOU CAN'T FIX THAT.

Taichi is 17 now. He remembers very well what Digimon can do to the Digital World and to other Digimon. He knows what they can do to the Analog World, and to human beings. He's now seen that this 'stronger' Digimon can do even worse damage than he remembered. Whether he remembers the time spent with the 02 kids and it's just written weirdly in his brain or he doesn't remember it at all, he's been through these fights before. As an Elementary School kid at Summer Camp, in Junior High, and now Senior High.

Yamato told him if he doesn't do anything, then he's running away, but Taichi was looking for answers. He's admitted to Agumon that he's scared and he now recognizes that his decisions hold a lot more weight than he remembered them holding. He told Yamato that he knew they were the only ones who could fight, they were the only ones who could do this, but he wanted to know if they were right. He didn't admit to Yamato that he was scared, directly, but it could be taken as implied.

The flashbacks actually hold meaning. "Repeated Events" did occur. Realizations occurred at each one, too. Taichi took in the information from outside and held onto it. He just doesn't know what to properly make of it and he's trying to do it all by himself. I believe he feels like that's always been expected of him, and this explains the words, "I see more and I understand less." He notices a lot more of the world around him and is having a hard time processing it.
  • The first and fourth images are from the news report about the incident that ended at Haneda Airport; although, strangely, that fourth image brings to mind the episode where Taichi had to return to the others in the Digital World and left Hikari alone. (That may well be intentional.) These two images, along with the third image of inside Haneda, all show the damage their own Digimon could do even when fighting to stop a rampage.
  • The second image was the devastation the Kuwagamon caused, which Taichi witnessed while chasing him down after being buzzed on the soccer pitch. This was damage that Taichi watched happen and watched people trying to run away from.
  • The third image... 'Market Mall' was the inside of Haneda Airport. (It, too, gave me a sense of a place in the original anime... the station where Wizardmon sacrificed himself for Hikari and Tailmon.)
  • The girls at school was the information that people had gotten hurt. ("Tanaka-kun's dad was at Haneda." "Seriously?" "He got injured and was hospitalized," to which Taichi reacted, but Yamato hurried him along. That's not to say Yamato didn't feel anything, but Taichi willingly took it upon himself to feel responsible for someone else's dad being hospitalized.)
  • The lady's mouth was the news report, she had said, "The children were terrified. I hope they never come back." While Yamato and the others kinda got upset that they were 'trash-talking' their Digimon Friends, Taichi realized that's because it was their perspective. The perspective of the world, looking at these things is one of fear. People are afraid of these dangerous things and can only consider them monsters. The Chosen Children, on the other hand, know that they're not all bad; but they also know what these 'unknown monsters' really are. Their parents also understand this. (Mama Yagami is very much Yoshino Hikari-like in her attitude about the whole thing. Only real difference being that Hikari only sees the Digimon as their Live Disguises; hence Auren and Mittens are 'Shugo's cats'. >_>; )
  • Taichi's bike was trashed in one stomp by the Kuwagamon, which had made him realize how powerless he was; especially alone.
  • Greymon was how trashed poor Agumon got in the Haneda Airport fight before the others showed up. Even with his partner, Taichi felt powerless and confused. He didn't understand why Greymon was getting so terribly trashed and could really only defend. After he was devolved to Agumon, Taichi could only hug him tightly, but the entire time, I felt that he looked terrified.
  • The destroyed cellphone and damaged parcel was when Taichi realized how devastating the Kuwagamon was with hardly any effort from him. When he realized how crazy this was and just how much danger people were actually in. (We saw a lot of people, actually, in damaged areas or fleeing. It's not really that much more 'contrived' than Kamen Rider or Super Sentai.)
  • And, of course, images 10 and 11 were redraws of the handholding scene from the original anime; where Angemon and Angewomon had to fire their arrows into the two boys to power/trigger their Ultimate Evolutions.

These kids are on the verge of being adults. Taichi, Yamato, and Sora, are all 2nd years. Mimi mentions she's joining as a 1st year, putting her in Koushirou's class. Meiko is a 2nd year, Mimi comments that maybe she'll be in Sora's class. (She is. Sora and Taichi are in the same class when she introduces herself, Yamato appears to be in a different class. Jou states he's "the oldest one here", which makes him a 3rd year.)

So how do I know what Taichi's thinking or feeling? Well. I don't, specifically, but I feel llike I can wager a fair guess.

Because it's what's happening in Shugotenshi's character arc.

Think about it. What's been going on recently? Shugo's gotten a lot of people and Digimon hurt. He doesn't want to get them killed. He's sort of coming to the conclusion that his decisions have been constantly bad ones and the realization of how close people and Digimon have come to being killed because of him has been making him hesitate more and more. But instead of talking to anyone about it, he's trying to deal with everything by himself. He feels that's what's expected of him. He's the 'Smart One'. The Strategist. The one who can come up with a plan for anything. He's fast, both physically and mentally. So why does he seem so slow lately...?

This is the kind of feeling I kept getting from Taichi for the entire movie. So, I suppose if Taichi was 'suddenly being a fucking puss', then so is Shugo. Which I do understand how someone can feel that way about the character, (including Shugo,) but because of the similarities in character arcs I felt the desire to defend the position and offer up a thought as to why he wasn't a 'puss'.

In contrast, Yamato was waving big ol' "Akurei" and "Dagrus" flags all over the damned field, so that probably didn't help matters. >_>;

* * *
Finally, since I was going back for shit. Long Job Title is Long. > 3>;

Incorporated Administrative Agency, National Data Processing Bureau...
Information Strategy Section, Information Management Office...
Grade 2 Management Officer, Daigo Nishijima.

I have been thinking about this shit for far too long (all damned day) and I need to go to bed before I keep thinking on it. X_x Also I have an appointment in the morning anyhow, so I'm off!
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Re: To All 'DigiDestined'

Postby Mooncrafter » Sun Nov 22, 2015 11:36 pm

@Graham I welcome counters to my critique! Makes for a better movie if we're having discussions about it like this.

That said just focusing on your comment about the 02 kids. If they were pulled out of existence, why does the Not!MINOTAUR group have data on the 02 kids missing? They wouldn't even be aware of their friggin' names if they were pulled out of time like that let alone monitoring the world trying to find their coordinates.


@Jess Well, even with Sailor Moon, transformations can be cut down by showing the transformation device, and then skipping THAT part for the repeated uses. That ate up a lot of time that could have been used more for action since we know what the regular digivices look like after Tai got Greymon out. My issue wasn't with showing them period, it was how they handled repeating frames.

As for Joe not getting any crap... well.. It's been his character since they very beginning to not want to get involved in fighting. He'd run away, concoct plans to hide or escape until he was absolutely cornered and was forced to fight (something that got on Gomamon's nerves a few times if I remember correctly). I mean, it's still shitty behavior. But we know to expect cowardice from him until the cards are really down and there is no way for the group to survive without him. For Tai it feels out of left-field.

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Re: To All 'DigiDestined'

Postby Crescent » Mon Nov 23, 2015 12:03 am

Oooh, nice find, I didn't notice that o 3o;

Yeah then, their shit got wrekt, fate currently unknown, kinda weird that Takeru or Hikari or any of the other Chosen didn't mention them.

As far as the evo sequence goes, remember this is the first time that we've seen the "new" ones, so they're pretty much bound by law to show us each >_> Even though the pacing of this as a "sequel movie" makes doing that seem a bit jammed in.
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Re: To All 'DigiDestined'

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:11 am

I had caught just the background for the evolutions because I wanted to look at it, and Graham commented that he might want it for his desktop background. Because of that, I thought maybe I should also share the shot here. *shrug* o 3o~!

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Re: To All 'DigiDestined'

Postby Crescent » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:28 am

Pretty o 3o

But when you gave Graham the image to apply to his desktop, it was really KyubeyFace.jpg, right? u 3u
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Re: To All 'DigiDestined'

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:58 am

Of course, who do you take me for?
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Re: To All 'DigiDestined'

Postby Sterl-Goldclaw » Sun Mar 13, 2016 4:35 pm


Also. I <3 Korshiro's expressions.
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Postby Akurei Nagisa » Wed Mar 16, 2016 9:11 am

So here's some impressions/blather, also obviously there'll be SPOILERTH so like the other three people who might not've seen this thing yet beware I guess? >_>;

-God damn there were so many Digimon Shenanigans™ this time. It felt more natural than Reunion, plus they toned down the Digimon Rights® angle enough I was able to get into it. + rating on that.


-...Although actually I did like that the girls were the ones doing the "accidental peeping" trope for once. We've seen the inverse over and over in anime, and this was a nice reversal of that. Progressive! Also I liked how each girl reacted: Mimi just didn't give a fuck, Meiko lost her shit, Sora sensibly hid her gaze, and Hikari...just basically slid right into Takeru-themed home base. And he didn't care neither.

-But then I remember that they teased hot swimsuit designs and didn't include them, fucking 50 DKP minus

-Meiko is fantastic. Something is up with that girl, but Meiko is fantastic. She's wonderfully unsure but also filled with sweetness and light and I like her a lot goddammit. We need more of her.

-But not as much as we need more of Mimi. If there was a Best Character In Tri award, it goes to Mimi. Every minute she was on screen was basically a delight, okay? From her "hey let's make the class cafe a Hooters equivalent" to her completely rampant implied skinship to her general well-intentioned bravery in sending Togemon after Ogremon, even if that did blow up in her face. I didn't dislike anything about the movie as much as I disliked the Trio of Random Japanese Girls going "UM EXCUSE U, START CONFORMING TO OUR SOCIAL STANDARDS AGAIN U JIKOCHU BITCH", because fuck that noise, Mimi. You are a shining star.

-Speaking of Mimi, Koushiro, you're fucking lucky she doesn't seem to remember you being a prick later at the café, because I sure do and that ain't how you talk to a girl you're into. I will not be sorry if Jyou steals her from under your nose, that remark was uncalled for and you owe her an apology.

-Sora's a p. great support character! I'm liking her more and more.

-They're really working the Taichi/Yamato's tumultuous relationship angle hard, huh? >_> It was much more subdued this time around though, which was good because a second movie full of Taichi being insecure as fuck would not have flown. He's a lot more leaderly this time around, and Yamato's slightly less intense and more brooding, so the dynamic was much better.

-Jyou, on the other hand, was almost hitting the self-flagellation and preoccupation buttons a little too hard. I mean...I think it's probably just supposed to be him not being able to face his friends after he feels like he abandoned them and his own fear and insecurity hitting a spiral, but it was almost a little too much? It felt like more was going on there than was intended. At least it was more appropriate than Taichi's insecurity bout.

-That Tri Kaiser outfit is pure swag. Pure, unadulterated swag.

-You know how I was off the Takeru/Hikari boat for Reunion? MAN, did Takeru ever redeem himself this go around. Just enough little subtle flirts. Also Hikari was glorious as usual, but Takeru you did good. Also you burned that stupid fucking hat, evidently, because we didn't see that terrible crap bucket this chapter.

-Call me a sadist, but I actually loved how Leomon's extended presence in the movie was just to make you feel terrible when he got inevitably murdered. >_____> The "senpai~" bits with the extended heart and then LionHobo Mode were what won me over, so I did feel at least a little bad, I guess.

-Hackmon is a fucking dickhead okay. Little creeper running around all over and showing up at every distortion. I wonder WHY. >___> SEE BELOW.

That Kaiser was a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!!!!!! No, seriously, check that moment out, when "the Kaiser" disappears after Imperialdramon got "defeated". Upon which you will notice he did not devolve to an Infected V-mon and Wormmon, now did he? Nooo no no, he blipped out. BUT THIS AIN'T EVEN ABOUT THAT. Check the moment after the Kaiser disappears--you'll see a flash of light, and then Hackmon's there for a minute. THEN HE'S GONE.



-Himekawa, Himekawa, Himekawa (lady government agent). You're by turns really charming and shady as fuck. Like you are way too close to Meiko, you're way too much like some kind of Chosen Child yourself knowing shit, and then when Meicoomon did The Thing, watch her reaction. She smirks. She knew this was going down. What do you know, woman.


-I'm mad hype for the next movie. >_> I know some people are salty over the pacing here, but remember, this is the end of the calm--this is a -six movie series- (translating in America to a two-cour anime lol <_<), so Movie Two ain't gonna be ACTION-PACKED and only a couple fights were to be expected. I predict three and four is where we'll get at least the start of a revelation and the fighting will escalate more--maybe we'll get a Koushiro-centric movie and he can impress me again enough that I think he deserves for Mimi to notice his dumb ass with an extra dose of Sora discovering OT3s or how much she likes yaoi. Or we'll get a Takeru/Hikari movie full of shipping rainbows in betwixt the action. <_<


-Koushiro x Mimi: Fuck you Izzy you're on notice until you bring that woman flowers. Get in the No-Sex Doghouse, prick.
-Mimi x Meiko: That's happening, though. Tell me it's not, you're a liar, simple as that
-Takeru x Hikari x Meiko: Speaking of the megane girl, did anyone else notice how Takeru was basically propositioning her too and Hikari was just totally cool with it? <_< I think they have a plan that would shock their siblings into catatonia.
-Taichi x Yamato: >___> The yaoi connotations are strong as eff with this one
-Taichi x Yamato x Sora: Still pretty probable given her longing gazes towards the bickering above couple, I mean she'll at least watch
-Jyou x Mimi: It's a fringe case, but there's chemistry there! <_< Also, screw you Koushiro!
-Sora x Pretty Much Any Other Two Chosen: Sora likes helping, seems to me >_>
-Meicoomon x THE DARKNESS: >______>
-Himekawa x EVIL: >__________________>
-Leomon x Death: Canon!


I hear music in the air tonight
One familiar fading tune
Something pulls at my infected soul
I think I remember you
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Re: To All 'DigiDestined' (wap)

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Wed Mar 16, 2016 9:13 am

I will point out that we watched Determination right after Persona 3's 3rd movie which had the single most over-dramatic Hot Springs scene I've seen in a while. >_______> It was absolutely hilarious, but omg Junpei...

I counter Graham's complaint about the boys' fanservice with Suki's giggle-blush-grin fujoshi combo that's sure to make Haruka's glasses fog over.

Shugo: Everyone needs to stop picturing me...

Suki: *not even paying attention. Still thinking about the sauna room with Taichi and Yamato left alone*

Robyn: I liked how both cats were Adults.

Aph: I liked Mimi. ^^~ ♡

Robyn: My cat is not. T_T

Aph: Nonsense. I'm Adult Only. *purr*

Robyn: *Twitch. Shadow Daggers*

Janus: ...TABLE-SAN ABUNAI! ; A;

Er... *cough* anyway. >_> Hikari x Takeru was screaming more Cadence x Akurei this chapter. >_> I liked that she only blushed when her brother emerged. >>

Sora seemed distracted by thoughts of Taichi x Yamato herself... at least twice.

Jou screamed effin' Gendou the ENTIRE TIME.

Also. Dat Kaiser design. *_* ♡ *hng*

Also also.

It is just in Leomon's Contract to die. We spent the whole thing guessing how. >>;;

I think the Chosen's reactions were perfectly horrified, though.

Meiko... your Digivice going black and red like that is troubling. >>;

Himekawa's smirk and comments at the end were... disturbing.

My reaction overall?
-Oooooo~! *_* ♡
-Man these effects're pretty. * 3*

....Also, I'm placing bets that mysterious email was sent by Gennai. He did this before and Koushirou should really have remembered that. >>

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Re: To All 'DigiDestined' (wap)

Postby Crescent » Wed Mar 16, 2016 1:43 pm


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Re: To All 'DigiDestined' (wap)

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Wed Mar 16, 2016 9:00 pm

(Keikaku means plan, y'know.)

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Re: To All 'DigiDestined'

Postby Mooncrafter » Thu Mar 24, 2016 7:03 am

Ok finding out that it's a six OVA(movie) set up DOES make me feel better about the pacing. Does it still feel like a waste of animation time for the grand majority of the movie? Yup. Total waste of money for hot spring shennanigans and never finding out anything more about Meicoomon other than that she's an Adult level. I'll admit I was grading it extra harshly thinking that it was going to be a trilogy, not a set of six films. Fanservice was pretty unnecessary though. Would have been nice to get more plot details.

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Re: To All 'DigiDestined' (wap)

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Thu Mar 24, 2016 11:42 am

Six parts, 4 eps each, equals 24 eps.

They're giving us a series.

In chunks.

Disguised as "movies". They're chapters, but we're really getting a 24-ep series. > 3>

Fanservice was fine. We usually get it from the ladies. I thought it was a nice change to get it from the fellas. Also called back to the original series with the bath scenes we cut in the dub. >>

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Re: To All 'DigiDestined'

Postby Crescent » Thu Mar 24, 2016 4:39 pm

Well, yes and no like a series o 3o;

Overall development and progression, then, yes, it's like a new series.

But they're technically movies and are only being chopped up into episodes for the west - so you need to treat the pacing of each Chapter like a movie, as opposed to individual episodes.
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Re: To All 'DigiDestined' (wap)

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Thu Mar 24, 2016 6:01 pm

Well, yes, but (so far as I'm aware,) Crunchyroll isn't editing them into episodes, that's how they're given them by Japan.

But, yes, I remember that they're intended to be 6 OVAs, not 24 episodes. It's basically 6 little arcs over 24 eps; even if we're the only ones getting them chopped that way.

Though, I would swear I read somewhere that they air them on Japanese TV like this after they've been in theaters, or are they just OVAs aired on TV? >< ...Bah.

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Re: To All 'DigiDestined'

Postby Crescent » Mon May 02, 2016 8:07 am

In a shocking turn of events, Meikūmon terminates Leomon, and vanishes into the distorted abyss. Shaken, Taichi and the others can't hide their unease. "If Meikūmon has been infected, I want to know what caused it. Was there some kind of sign? When did he get infected in the first place?" Kōshirō agonizes about whether there is some kind of countermeasure they can take in this unaimaginably grim situation.

However, when he can't find anything useful, he goes to Meiko to try and gain more information. "Please try and remember. We need information in order to discover the reason behind the infection." Having lost all emotion, Meiko is unable to answer. Kōshirō quarrantines Agumon and the other Digimon in the office so that the infection can't spread any further, but Patamon starts to show signs of the illness...

Agumon and the others use Hikari's voice to tell the team about an important secret concerning the Digital World.

"The time... is coming..."

During the rematch with Meikūmon who will appear once again, that "time" will arrive. Taichi and the others' hearts ache when the secret is revealed to them. Despite their entangled feelings, they make a decision...

"If we wait around for 'someday,' we'll become adults before you know it."

Now, the adventure evolves again...
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Re: To All 'DigiDestined'

Postby Sterl-Goldclaw » Fri Sep 23, 2016 4:46 pm


Okay, enough about that. I'm reviving this because of obvious reasons. The Third Movie has landed. And I am waiting until everyone has seen it so I won't gush out spoilers or my feelings.



>.> Go see it you fricking Scrubs.
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Re: To All 'DigiDestined'

Postby MasterDJ » Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:44 pm

Will have to wait til after payday. How does it compare to the first two?

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Re: To All 'DigiDestined' (wap)

Postby Sterl-Goldclaw » Sat Sep 24, 2016 10:40 am

More feels. Questions. And... Need to watch first two seasons because clues.

I mean, like clue wall with lines going everywhere and ypu saying, "it all connects somehow.... Where is the catalyst."

Plus... The Adventure Begins Again.

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