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Server Status Issues [Archived]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 9:48 pm
by Yoshino Shurensuki
No new responses from the host on what caused the Server Crash in the first place, but I have noticed something whenever I'm the one who restarts MySQL or the Server itself.

We have a very crappy amount of Real Memory... and for some reason, recently, it's been throwing down heavily balls deep in the red.


What that means: We have 256 MB of Real Memory and we've been using nearly all of it for some fucking reason. >_>;

So though I can't quite figure out and change some of the suggestions on the Server; such as figuring out what modules we are actually using and which are useless; I'm also not sure we could change some things without having access to the physical server.

But after being frustrated for like two days as to what the hell I can possibly do and wondering what the investigation into the root cause is going to turn up, I found a simple configuration for the server I figured "What the hell, why not? Takes like less than 5 minutes and might help."

Well. Remember that nearly-red bar up there? The "Real Memory" I got tired of seeing?

It looks like this after applying the changes and has remained fairly steady...


...and, as a bonus, I don't notice a (negative) change on load time and such.

So here's hoping.

I really don't wanna mess with MySQL if I can help it, but that'll be my next goal if it goes wonky again. x:

Re: Server Status Issues.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:20 pm
by Crescent
Yay o 3o Memory >_>