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Downtime (Over) Updated Search Functionality!

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2015 7:54 am
by Yoshino Shurensuki
I tried to do this while everyone was not around and was hoping it finished before people got up for work and school and stuff. Well, it never told me it was done doing the thing. ^^;;

Basically, I changed the Backend Search Type. It had to reindex the board for searching. I didn't want new posts messing up the indexing since we have a kind of big board. ^^; All's good now.

What does this mean?
Well... Try it! 8D Graham actually pointed it out yesterday, and while searching for an answer on the forums, I found it was a complaint made numerous times about the default Search Function. On older/bigger boards, eventually your Search Index is so populated with data that it starts trying to "help" make it easier by putting aside words that are "too common".

Also, have any of you tried searching the board for phrases?

Well. With this little change, now you can. Just remember to put your search in quotes "light of evolution" will now actually return results instead of telling you that "evolution light of are too common and were omitted." 8D

It will still also look for the words "light" "of" "evolution" in posts, but it's going to be easier to find phrases.

Another example is "D-Field". Previously, the minus told the search to omit it, or you'd get the same response "the word's too common, man." and it wouldn't show a thing. Now, if you search for that, in quotes, it returns results.

Re: Downtime (Over) Updated Search Functionality!

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:06 am
by MasterDJ
..HOLY CRUD that means I can find Porticullis keys easier! 8D

Re: Downtime (Over) Updated Search Functionality!

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:41 am
by Akurei Nagisa
8D It works! It woooooorks! All hail Jess! ^ o^

Re: Downtime (Over) Updated Search Functionality!

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2015 9:20 am
by Crescent
Omg awesome o 3o

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