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The Summer Campaign

PostPosted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:57 am
by MasterDJ
So as to get some enjoyment out of the summer months while still taking on the darker storytelling of the Zero Arc, I have decided to pull a Tite Kubo and create The Summer Campaign.

An explanation:

In the Bleach Anime, when the studio runs out of manga material to work off of filler arcs are made to bridge the time. Now, a nice thing about these arcs (Bount Arc, New Captain Shuusuke Amagai Arc, Zanpakuto Unknown Tales Arc, Beast Swords Arc) was that it gave some screen time to characters that didn't get much of it in the original manga, while also showcasing the use of character powers the flow of the manga didn't allow such as Chad's new arms, Uryu's new bow, Rukia's Shikai and Ichigo's enhanced Hollow powers. The key to the fillers was that the narrator would specifically say that these were "different tales" and thus were not within canon.

The Summer Campaign works the same way. Characters get to do more and try out powers they haven't gotten to use yet, such as regular use of Riiko who JUST became a Tamer, or maybe Dagrus using a Digimental he has yet to use in game. Summer Campaign lacks in drama and goes more for good ol' fun, and during it other items can be obtained and paths taken.

The campaign ends when either school starts back up, or when the Zero Arc ends. At which time, any and all items gained during the campaign can be transferred to the main game. Simple, right?

New missions for the campaign are posted, and more will be made, including hits at the hunter's board and new rumors at Digitamamon's place.

Let's all enjoy the summer, folks!

- The Management