How do you top a movie where
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- from what I understand, Optimus Prime shot his mentor in the back, then in the face, after said mentor had surrendered?
How do you top that kind of heroics?
For that matter, how do you top the
trailer to Dark of the Moon? I saw that trailer and I instantly went "this is going to be the worst movie. Ever. I can't wait to see it." Then I didn't see it because I didn't have money at the time to go see bad movies ironically.
BUT STILL. DAT TRAILER. You had the new female lead and her ZERO LINES IN THE ENTIRE GODDAMN TRAILER but still HUGE CAMERA FOCUS ON HER GIANT LIPS. You had Shia LeBouf failing to look awesome at all. You had the return of "everything awesome in human achievements was Transformers" from 1, but with the weird political shit from 2. You had Tyrese Gibson saying "It's over. I'm sorry, but it's over!" for no reason. It was a masterpiece of trailermaking. How do you top that? Ever?