XBox One

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XBox One

Postby MasterDJ » Tue May 21, 2013 11:37 am it me? Am I the one that's broken?

Maybe I am.

I just sat through the reveal video for the XBox One. Not 720, not Infinity. One.

... It looks like a black Wii.

It looks like one of those cheap boxy DVD players they used to sell at Walgreens.

... Over 30 minutes and maybe ten at that spent on games.... that didn't wow.

....Is it me? I'm... actually pissed off about this. Microsoft you had ONE JOB and that was to wow me. I have a budget, I have steady income, my goal is to have two of the new systems in my apartment.... and honestly neither Sony nor Microsoft has impressed me, and Nintendo is taking it's sweet time the good ol' Japanese way.

.... I really hope the armchair analysts aren't correct about this being the last console generation, but never before have I seen so much and yet seen so little all at once. Xbox One seems to do everything but when the topic of games comes up I'm left wanting. They talked about expanding into television and playing music and I'm just sitting there wondering what are you actually offering me.

Obviously, I'm not the target audience. They demand the TV and I don't even have cable (by choice). I don't watch enough TV to justify an XBox One. Hell, I don't watch enough to justify Nintendo TVii being on my system.

... I haven't had a thing for games since the Wii.


This.... this was a hollow day. X_X

Though, one funny comment a guy said.

"Well, it's official. Microsoft just sold me a PS4."

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Re: XBox One

Postby Crescent » Tue May 21, 2013 12:42 pm

It's not you, Cam >_>

Sony's PS4 unveil basically invited Microsoft to blow them out of the water, and Microsoft instead found a way to tunnel further below them. I'll give Sony credit for at least trying to focus on games, while Microsoft's clearly trying to lure in more of the casual home audience. The 360 smacked around the PS3 all generation by being about games at launch and not being style over substance, and maintaining a steady flow of quality exclusives. But Microsoft's been getting away from that over the last couple years.

I am actually kinda excited about a few features. Like the possibility of full skype integration - being able to be in a skype call on xbox (as opposed to an xbox party) and being able to have friends on the call from their phones/laptops as well. But they spent so little time on the actual hardware substance; barely mentioning that the thing uses bluray and has a minimum 500gb internal hdd.

But in terms of "being sold on a PS4", it's still way early for that. Sony really only showed a few abstracts themselves. Hopefully now that all the shareholder pandering is out of the way, E3 will show more actual games and give a better picture of the launch lineups. (Also, Nintendo's promised us glimpses of Smash Bros, the next real Mario game, and Mario Kart in their pre-E3 Nintendo Direct!)

What I'm worried about is talk that the XboxOne might be adapting a PC-style system. Mandatory game installs (not in itself at all a problem), but effectively going the CD-key one-use route in that the game disc then becomes useless afterwards unless you pay to use it on another console. And I promise you that, if this is true, the PS4 is doing the exact same thing (because it's a big blow to the used games market, etc, and Microsoft or Sony would literally be shooting themselves in the foot if one did something like that and the other didn't).

Anyway, while I am looking forward to seeing some actual fucking games come E3, it's unlikely any reveals will excite me as much as did this week
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Re: XBox One

Postby Sterl-Goldclaw » Tue May 21, 2013 3:16 pm

Yeah... The new generation systems coming out... Yeah. Cam, you're not the only one. X_X This is why I have moved to ps3/pc gaming with the occasional xbox playing and Wiing more often than xboxing. They are just stepping away from actual gaming and not caring about us who grew up with the zero generation consoles like Atari and the NES.

Microsoft has just lost my respect. Not only did they come out with a new crappy OS, but a crappy gaming system? Fuck that. I'll toss my money to steam when they put out their gaming console. I mean, if the next Halo installments come out solely for the Xbox One. I. Will. Be. Uber. Mad.

But I hope Sony won't shoot themselves in the foot by doing the "no used games" thing BS. Because, Sony has rarely disappointed people. Sure the PS3 had some rough spots and such, but it is a well rounded system, even if Sony got rid of the ps2 compatibility which sadden me. But that is why I have a ps2 emulator on my pc. =3= Mmmm. Disgaea and Ar Tonelico~

I just hope Sony will break Microsoft at E3. I pray that Sony will break them if their new system looks amazing and is all that we gamers want without any of the bad and horror rumors. Though, I am looking forward to see what Nintendo will bring because I am always a fan of Nintendo, always have, always will.

Wait, a new super smash bros!? oAo Have the gaming gods answered our prayers?!
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Re: XBox One

Postby Crescent » Tue May 21, 2013 3:41 pm

Prepare to be uber mad, then >_> Of course new Halo games will only be for the Xbox One. Microsoft's basically abandoned PC gaming. When did you see a Halo 3/Reach/4/etc PC port?

Also... "Sony has rarely disappointed"? <______< The PS3, while, yes, has definitely gotten its act together the last couple years, was pretty much one big arrogant disappointment for most of its life ^^; Maybe Sony has learned from its mistakes and is turning a new leaf, but I'm going to need to see some actual results and a pattern of behavior from them before anointing them as the savior of gamers.
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Re: XBox One

Postby Benjamin » Tue May 21, 2013 6:53 pm

This just affirms my abandonment of the video game medium altogether, Nintendo 3DS nonwithstanding.
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Re: XBox One

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Tue May 21, 2013 7:26 pm

People questioned my Nintendo Loyalty. This house wouldn't have an Xbox 360 if Graham didn't already own it.

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Exactly. >_>
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Re: XBox One

Postby Sterl-Goldclaw » Tue May 21, 2013 8:30 pm

>___> I own all three consoles. 360, PS3, Wii... I just have mixed loyalties, but they are mostly to games really.
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Re: XBox One

Postby Benjamin » Tue May 21, 2013 8:46 pm

I am still loyal to Sega.

Wait. They are out of the console business? How long have I been asleep? :O_O
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Re: XBox One

Postby Akurei Nagisa » Tue May 21, 2013 9:16 pm

Definitely not just you. I...between this and the fucking "ALWAYS ON" debacle, I'm just completely flabbergasted by Microsoft's behavior. This shit is insane. It's like those years ago when Sony was talking "RIDGE RACER! RIIIIIIIIDGE RAAAAACER!" and "599 US DOLLARS" and the only thing that's missing is a giant enemy motherfucking crab. T_T; Except instead of silly soundbytes from Kaz Hirai and one bumbling doofball trying to show us a Genji game, we get "TV BOX" and "INSTALLATION REQUIRED" and what the fuck even? Ugh. Just fucking disgusting.

On the Halo issue...I think Halo's done. o 3o; Bungie's refocused on Destiny, ain't? <.< Which they were making sure was multiplatform.

Actually, Bungie's general cutting of ties with Microsoft and cuddling up to Sony during their debut should've been a warning sign, considering all the money they've made from 360 stuff. X_X; one could've expected this.

I don't know about the PS4. >__> I really hope you're wrong, Justin, and Sony sees that this is the one thing everyone hates right into the ground and embraces a lack of installation bullshit and Steam integration, because then, then I'll get a PS4. To go with the WiiU that's already a foregone conclusion round these parts.

Ugh. Let's not forget the YOU MUST HAVE KINECT thing.

Nor the fact that all the consoles seem focused on needless detail. Yes, yes, you can now render just as good as a PC. You practically are a PC. That's not why I bought you and that's not why I enjoy you.

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Re: XBox One

Postby Crescent » Tue May 21, 2013 9:46 pm

Well, Bungie cutting ties with Microsoft had to deal partly with sour grapes over how Microsoft handled certain things. Namely the Halo 3 mythic map pack, which Microsoft held up months and cut up piecemeal to hold hostage as Halo Wars and ODST incentives; and then selling ODST for $60 when Bungie wanted to sell it for less (their contract with Activision for Destiny specifically gives Bungie some control over price). They've been working on Destiny for several years now, so it's really another matter in itself.

...I'd say apparently you missed out on this "Halo 4" stuff XD Though I guess if you don't really pay attention, you could miss the fact that it wasn't made by Bungie >_>; Microsoft owns the Halo IP, so they're making games internally now.

But yeah <_<; I may end up getting a WiiU sooner than I thought at this rate.
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Re: XBox One

Postby Sterl-Goldclaw » Wed May 22, 2013 6:26 am

I might get the Wii U. Because... yeah... ;-; Halo is now being made by 343... made halo 4 good but... hopefully the next two installments will be on the 360 as well. Just like Sony did for its ps2 and ps3 games.

x-x now if Sega decides to make a new console to compete in this crumbling industry... I'll be surprised.
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Re: XBox One

Postby MasterDJ » Wed May 22, 2013 8:09 am

This fucking industry.

So what I've gotten in the last several hours.

EA has done a total fucking flip flop on the Wii U, now stating is has games in dev. >_O

The XBox One will NOT support any 360 games or peripherals due to "new technology". So all your 360 stuff cannot be carried over.

And their TV service? Is apparently available at launch.... but sold separately.

..... How the hell did this become a downward spiral of disaster in one day? 'Cept the EA thing. That's just baffling. >.O

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Re: XBox One

Postby Akurei Nagisa » Wed May 22, 2013 10:05 am

Like I said, man. x_x It's the new 599 US DOLLARS, only this time it's ONE OF THE NEW MEMBERS OF YOUR SQUAD...IS A DOG

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Re: XBox One

Postby MasterDJ » Wed May 22, 2013 10:39 am


Snipemon: *facepalm*

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Re: XBox One

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Wed May 22, 2013 10:43 am


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Re: XBox One

Postby Sterl-Goldclaw » Wed May 22, 2013 11:20 am

Arturia: .... *Is roasting a Xbox One*



There goes my gaming youth. =3= Ahhh... Seems like a lifetime ago.
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Re: XBox One

Postby Jason the Great » Wed May 22, 2013 11:27 am

XBox + Gaming Youth? ...I feel old now.

::Hugs Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo::

Anyway, I already have a Wii U, so everyone better add me when you inevitably get one. And to be perfectly frank will probably get a PS4 if only because my game series are going to move on to it. I hope it's better than it stands now, but hey.

Now, the Steam console? That makes my dick hard. I wanna hear more about that.
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Re: XBox One

Postby Crescent » Wed May 22, 2013 11:29 am

Well, it's the same deal with the PS4 not being back compatible. Both are switching to a different type of hardware infrastructure, so in order to be backwards compatible X0/PS4 would need to have a mini 360/PS3 built in or have a complicated emulation scheme in place. I guess people are taking the X0's lack as more of a shock because Microsoft has the best account/profile infrastructure to be able to handle carrying over purchases to the new console (360 and XO users will be able to see/interact with each other, which is good, though I'm worried about complications there if XO is switching to Skype for its group chat functions).

^^; I know that's annoying for you since Mariah has a PS3, so you're able to play those games and assume buying an XO and being able to play 360 games woulda been a plus.

And in terms of stuff like the tv service thing, an interesting point that I saw raised is that despite a trend of globalization, the XO's features are effectively trending away from that. The 360 "experience" is sorta gimped overseas because a lot of the more 'premium' services that xbox live gold offers (i.e. Netflix, etc) are pretty much all either US-only or North America-only. And now they're hedging bells and whistles and more (the tv service, NFL, espn, etc) that'll probably be NA/US-only. Which makes it even harder to gain ground on Playstation in international markets.
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Re: XBox One

Postby Crescent » Wed May 22, 2013 11:41 am

Double post time! >_>

I do definitely see myself getting a WiiU at some point. Mostly because of inevitable Mario/Zelda/Smash Bros etc. And yeah, as much as I'm torpedoing it at the moment, I'll probably also end up with an Xbox One, unless there's a super significant difference between it and the PS4. I really don't see going PC Master Race as an option because there's too many franchises/games that are console-only.

The SteamBox has also become more palatable in the face of what Microsoft's doing with Xbox One games <_< But I really don't see it as an option for myself atm, nor do I think it'll really draw your attention, Jason. We're not the target audience o 3o; Because my tv is currently right here next to my computer. I don't need a second mini-pc that's more expensive than a game console and that I need to upgrade more often than said game console. And even when I get my own place, I don't see any point in the near future where I wouldn't just run some wires or pick up and move my pc tower in order to play PC games on my living room tv instead of buying a SteamBox >_>;
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Re: XBox One

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Wed May 22, 2013 12:20 pm

Jason... You feel old?

*hugs Atari memories*
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