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(Created page with "<div class="nonumtoc">Defining information about Tamers in general. This page is... "Semi-OOC", as it is defining what will be found, but is not completely irrelevant even to...")
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Latest revision as of 13:39, 20 December 2015

Defining information about Tamers in general. This page is... "Semi-OOC", as it is defining what will be found, but is not completely irrelevant even to the characters themselves. You're welcome to think of this as "Additional Reading" to your Digivice Manuals. >_>;

Generally, a Tamer is a Human/"Analog" partnered with a Digimon; Contracted together through the granting of a Wish. Sometimes also referred to as a "Contracted" by some citizens of the Digital World.


There isn't really a restriction on how young or old someone can Contract. So long as a Wish is valid and strong enough, a Contract can be formed. But if the Tamer is very young or very old, the Digimon Partner may have to end up fending for themselves as well as taking care of their Tamer.

Most of the main cast is in High School or University/College; which follows the Japanese System of '10th, 11th, and 12th' grades



LoE Color

== Partner(s) ==