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In Dial Up, there were originally two kinds of Digivices. The basic '''D-Phone''' and the '''Crown D-Phone'''. With the start of Season 3, the Digivice types have increased and will continue to so we figured now would be a good time to go into them!
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"''If we want to get specific, all Digivices save the Royal Phones run on some level of my tech, even the D-Watch and Oracle Phones. However, recently there have been two new variants that I don't know about.''"<br/>
--'''The DJ''' ("Kirin, the Fire that Lost Itself.")
All Digivices unless noted share the same basic abilities as seen in the original DIAL UP! Guide and in any and all OS updates posted in the city. What this is, is a list of the various models and the special abilities that set them apart.
====D-Phone V2 "Commander"====
[[File:Digivice-Standard.png|300px|right]]The standard model based on the flip phone.<br/>Standard Features except for a better engine and processor to handle Light of Evolution.
: '''Model Number'''
:: DG006
: '''Operating System'''
:: World Tree V.3
: '''Special Abilities'''
:: Digital Gate System Access
:: LoE Armament System
:: Luminous Shield Construct System
:: "Blast Mode" <ref group="R">"Alright. The Digivices have the following abilities. Persona Code, which has your partner manipulate your emotions but grants you some of their powers, Arms Code, which turns them into a weapon, Attack and Defend Code, which weaponizes one of your Digimon's skills for you to use, and Blast Mode, which is something like a supercharge. My Digivice doesn't have that one anymore, but yours definitely does." --Dagrus ("Basic Training")</ref>
: '''Interface'''
:: Touch capacitive
:: Two interior screens, one forming the keyboard. Analog keyboard optional.
:: Front and rear cameras.
:: Installed LoE scanner.
: '''Manifestation'''
: '''Manifestation'''
:: D-Phones are created by The DJ and unless just handed out tend to be transmuted from an available electronic device.<br/>Tamers of other factions that choose to return to being a Freelancer can use their LoE to "hatch" their D-Phone from their former model.
:: D-Phones are created by The DJ and unless just handed out tend to be transmuted from an available electronic device.<br/>
: '''Special Ability - "Blast Mode"'''
This is the Standard, Base D-Phone all Tamers now have until they choose a Faction, as all Factions now have their own models.<br/>Tamers of other factions that choose to return to being and Independent Tamer can use their LoE to "hatch" their D-Phone from their former model.
:: Increases a Digimon's power output dramatically, but also increases the amount of damage they take.<br/>Blast Mode can also be used to "Blast Evolve" a Digimon to their next level, but only for three posts.
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===D-Phone V2 "Commander"===
The second model currently in the testing phase and rolled out in Season 3.<br/>They are still flip style phones but utilize touch screens.<br/>The upgrade was necessary to handle the LoE necessary to create true Perfect Digimon.
====D-Phone "Champion"====
: '''Model Number'''
:: DG007
: '''Operating System'''
:: World Tree V.3, Luminaire OS structure (trademarked Agito Soma)
: '''Special Abilities'''
:: Digital Gate System Access
:: LoE Armament System
:: Luminous Shield Construct System
:: "Overdrive" LoE Amplification App
: '''Interface'''
:: Touch based.
:: Dual screen capacitive - One on front, two interior. Analog keyboard optional.
:: Inner and outer cameras.
:: Full folding screen.
:: Installed LoE scanner.
: '''Manifestation'''
: '''Manifestation'''
:: The V2 is created when a Tamer's will transforms their current model.<br/>New Tamers brought in after the roll out automatically have them.<br/>
:: The Champion D-Phones are granted to Paragon members by Agito Soma.
: '''Special Ability - "Blast Mode"
:: Increases a Digimon's power output dramatically, but also increases the amount of damage they take.<br/>Blast Mode can also be used to "Blast Evolve" a Digimon to their next level, but only for three posts.
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===Crown D-Phone===
[[File:Digivice-Crown.png|300px|right]]D-Phones modified to suit the Crown Faction.<br/>They are based on slide up model phones.
: '''Manifestation'''
:: Crown D-Phones are created by plugging in an opposing faction D-Phone into a set device that takes apart and reassembles the current phone into the chosen model.<br/>
: '''Special Ability - "Hacking Signal"
:: Hacking Signal allows the Crown Tamer to screw with the Digital World's Evolutionary Code, allowing their Digimon to Evolve into a form that is natural in their progression.<br/>Only titled Crown Tamers have this ability, however, and it can only get them to the Perfect level at most.<br/>Hacked Digimon are not as powerful as natural ones.<br/>Hacked Digimon also do not have a Final Charge.
===Divine D-Phone===
Crown D-Phones made for the Divine Crown class Tamers.<br/>There are only four in Mirai Archipelago: the Dragon, Pegasus, Lion, and Wolf Phones.<br/>
====Crown D-Phone "Caliburn"====
: '''Model Number'''
:: CR004
: '''Operating System'''
:: World Tree V.3, Camelot OS Structure (trademarked Jetten Kozuki via Circuits Infinity)
: '''Special Abilities'''
:: Golden Gate System Access
:: Hacking Signal
:: Quick Armament System App "Armory"
:: Crown Lancer Legion Application
: '''Interface'''
:: Touch based.
:: Shortcut screen on front, swivel display type touch screen, touch pad with shortcut feature.
:: Phase Shift keyboard allocation.
:: Inner and outer cameras.  
: '''Manifestation'''
: '''Manifestation'''
:: Divine D-Phones are only hand-modified as part of a ceremony.<br/>
:: Crown D-Phones are created by plugging in an opposing faction D-Phone into a set device that takes apart and reassembles the current phone into the chosen model.
: '''Special Ability - "Hacking Signal Ω"
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:: The Hacking Signal Ω can create Ultimate level Digimon.<br/>The same limitations apply as to the regular Hacking Signal.
===Divine Ruler D-Phone===
===Daedalus Initiative===
Different from the rest, the Divine Ruler Phone is only held by Divine Crown Empress.<br/>It is a full Unrestricted Digivice.<br/>
====Oracle III D-Phone "Sibyl"====
: '''Model Number'''
:: OR003P
: '''Operating System'''
:: World Tree V.3, Pythia OS Structure (trademarked Shirasawa Cypher via Iwakura Technologies)
: '''Special Abilities'''
:: Porticullis Gate System Access/BIFROST Transit System Access
:: Genomon/Chimaimon Sortie System
:: "Odysseus" Materiel Database Deployment System
:: Orion Lock Digitama Sealing App
: '''Interface'''
:: Touch based
:: Full gyroscopic display
:: Back and front cameras, with integrated LoE scanner
:: Digizoid armored build capable of withstanding low grade gunshots. 
: '''Manifestation'''
: '''Manifestation'''
:: This Digivice has no manifestation. It was granted to Fleur de Croix by The DJ.<br/>
:: Oracle D-Phones are constructed on a robotic assembly line; in the case of a Tamer who converts from another faction, the Initiative has a procedure for removing the core data of the old D-Phone and transferring it to an Oracle shell. They can utilize all Initiative-based technology including Pseudo-Digimentals.
: '''Special Ability - "Master Control"
:: Evolution Timer is fully unlocked and all forms are accessible.
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==Daedalus Initiative==
===Oracle D-Phone===
[[File:Digivice-Oracle.png|300px|right]]D-Phones modified to suit the Daedalus Initiative, they are based on touch screen smart phones.<br/>They can utilize all Initiative-based technology including Pseudo-Digimentals.<br/>
: '''Manifestation'''
:: Oracle D-Phones are constructed on a robotic assembly line; in the case of a Tamer who converts from another faction, the Initiative has a procedure for removing the core data of the old D-Phone and transferring it to an Oracle shell.<br/>
: '''Special Ability - "Genomon Controller"
:: Oracle D-Phones have full access to the Genomon Series and its various offshoots, and can summon a number of them to aid in the battlefield.<br/>Captains and Vice-Captains are capable of summoning more than regular units.<br/>
===Oracle-II β===
Modified Oracle Phones currently possessed only by the Captains of Daedalus' "Zodiac 13", they are slightly more metallic and differ slightly in shape from regular Oracle D-Phones.<br/>Only thirteen exist at the moment.<br/>
: '''Manifestation'''
:: No different from the regular Oracle, though extra construction time is needed for the AEC.<br/>
: '''Special Ability - "Advanced Evolutionary Circuit"
:: In addition to retaining access to the Genomon, the Oracle-II β has this device integrated into its structure, which acts as a sort of evolutionary booster and allows the Initiative's Captains access to the Perfect level of Evolution.
===Order of Stability===
Not necessarily Digivices like the others but still ones in their own right.<br/>These devices actually change the user INTO a Digimon through chemical and genetic tampering.<br/>''Very much'' in the testing phase.
====Grimoire D-Phone "Covenant"====
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==Order of Stability==
: '''Model Number'''
===Grimoire D-Phone===
:: GR02C
[[File:Digivice-Grimoire.png|300px|right]]D-Phones modified to suit the Order of Stability, they are based on the book flip smart phone models.<br/>Their data storage capacity is astounding compared to the other models, and is capable of opening multiple holo-windows.<br/>
: '''Operating System'''
:: World Tree V.3, Midnight OS Structure (trademarked Ronwemon)
: '''Special Abilities'''
:: Dark Gate System Access
:: Forced DigiXros
:: Integrated Magic Code App "Spellbook"
:: Corebat Control System
: '''Interface'''
:: Touch based
:: Shortcut screen on front, dual screen capacitive screens, full gryoscopic display
:: Optional analog keyboard via Dimension System
:: Inner and outer cameras.  
: '''Manifestation'''
: '''Manifestation'''
:: These phones can be manifested one of two ways, though the main "known" way is to be "knighted" by Kasumi A.K. McDougal.<br/>
:: Oracle D-Phones are constructed on a robotic assembly line; in the case of a Tamer who converts from another faction, the Initiative has a procedure for removing the core data of the old D-Phone and transferring it to an Oracle shell. They can utilize all Initiative-based technology including Pseudo-Digimentals.
: '''Special Ability - "Force DigiXros"
:: Grimoire Phones can subjugate and force the DigiXros of other combatants.<br/>The DigiXros lasts for two posts, at which then the Xros will end and the subjugated Digimon will be thrown back to the opposing field.<br/>There is a three post cooldown period for this ability.
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==Gear Dan==
A Digivice crafted free of the phone models, it is arm mounted and suited for the Gear Dan Army.<br/>
: '''Model Number'''
:: 01111000
: '''Operating System'''
:: GetElCapitanX, DoIt OS
: '''Special Abilities'''
:: "Human Tool"
:: "X-Link"
: '''Interface'''
::  An odd model D-Phone, design wise it looks like a regular button and screen one panel cellphone, except the screen is framed with an x-frame that splits to reveal a red optic when activated.<br/>It is the opposite in terms of Human-Digimon relationships.<br/>For one, it does not come with a Digimon.<br/>Rather, a single type called X-Techmon comes with every unit.<br/>The X-Cellular warps the desires of the user, making them a tool for the X-Techmon. <ref group="R">"The one with the strange eye built into it was called the X-Cellular, and seemed to control the human wielding it--it transformed her into a weapon for the Digimon that it was connected to. It also manifested an...unnatural aura."<br/>--'''Umbromon''' ("Kirin, the Fire that Lost Itself.")</ref>
: '''Manifestation'''
: '''Manifestation'''
:: There is currently only one in existence owned by the Gear Dan leader, Metal Gear.<br/>However, there is talk that he is constructing another.<br/>The D-Watch has the ability to link up with any other Digivice without loading time and has the greatest communication range of any model.<br/>
:: Stick your hand in the X-Cellular, do it, do it, do it.
: '''Special Ability - "D-Link"
:: D-Link is similar to DigiXros, however D-Link can be fueled by LoE and uses primarily machine Digimon to their full potential.
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Below are Digivices NOT based on The DJ's original model and OS, and thus are outside of his control in terms of abilities and distribution.
===Sentinel D-Phone "Dead Number"===
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===Royal Knights===
: '''Model Number'''
====Royal D-Phone====
:: 01110010
Standard model D-Phones made for use by pawns of the Royal Knights.<br/>They have very basic capabilities and lack the upgrades of the other models.<br/>Their primary purpose is to subjugate the user and allow Royal Knight forces to come into the Analog World.
: '''Operating System'''
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::  YouWillObeyX, Rectify OS
: '''Special Abilities'''
:: Dead Memory
An odd model D-Phone, design wise it looks like a regular button and screen one panel cellphone, except the screen is framed with an x-frame that splits to reveal a red optic when activated.<br/>It is the opposite in terms of Human-Digimon relationships.<br/>For one, it does not come with a Digimon.<br/>Rather, a single type called X-Techmon comes with every unit.<br/>The X-Cellular warps the desires of the user, making them a tool for the X-Techmon.<br/>
:: Dark Evolution
:: Fax Machine Sounds
:: "Call Ragnarok Collect"
: '''Interface'''
:: Scanner
:: Keyboard
:: Hell Portal
:: Analog Keyboard for Faxing
: '''Manifestation'''
: '''Manifestation'''
:: Unknown, but they are connected to Galvamon.<br/>
:: Hey Kid, were you looking for this dark and mystical phone? <ref group="R">"The Dead Number...is both more prevalent and more disturbing. It is connected to...to the worlds beyond life. The realms of the dead. I do not know much more about it..."<br/>--'''Umbromon''' ("Kirin, the Fire that Lost Itself.")</ref>
: '''Special Ability - "Human Tool" and "X-Link"
:: Human Tool transforms the human user into a weapon for X-Techmon.<br/>Destroying the weapon kills the user, but has no effect on X-Techmon.<br/>X-Link works the same as D-Link, though it uses a dark, and poisonous, LoE that absorbs anything and everything to fulfill the evolution requirements.
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====Dead Number====
[[File:Digivice-Sentinel.png|300px|right]]Another odd model in similar form to the X-Cellular, except the top shifts up like a Xros Loader.<br/>These are still a mysterious existence with horrible powers.<br/>
: '''Manifestation'''
:: Unknown; however, humans at their time of absolute despair can attract one, signified by dark blue circuit lines appearing in the palms.<br/>
: '''Special Ability - "Dead Memory" and "Dark Evolution"
:: Dead Memory creates black manifestations of anyone in the target's past, presumably ones they have killed.<br/>When paired with any other Digivice, they create a highly-powered Dark Evolution.
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Revision as of 03:29, 23 December 2015

"If we want to get specific, all Digivices save the Royal Phones run on some level of my tech, even the D-Watch and Oracle Phones. However, recently there have been two new variants that I don't know about."
--The DJ ("Kirin, the Fire that Lost Itself.")



D-Phone V2 "Commander"

Model Number
Operating System
World Tree V.3
Special Abilities
Digital Gate System Access
LoE Armament System
Luminous Shield Construct System
"Blast Mode" [R 1]
Touch capacitive
Two interior screens, one forming the keyboard. Analog keyboard optional.
Front and rear cameras.
Installed LoE scanner.
D-Phones are created by The DJ and unless just handed out tend to be transmuted from an available electronic device.

This is the Standard, Base D-Phone all Tamers now have until they choose a Faction, as all Factions now have their own models.
Tamers of other factions that choose to return to being and Independent Tamer can use their LoE to "hatch" their D-Phone from their former model.


D-Phone "Champion"

Model Number
Operating System
World Tree V.3, Luminaire OS structure (trademarked Agito Soma)
Special Abilities
Digital Gate System Access
LoE Armament System
Luminous Shield Construct System
"Overdrive" LoE Amplification App
Touch based.
Dual screen capacitive - One on front, two interior. Analog keyboard optional.
Inner and outer cameras.
Full folding screen.
Installed LoE scanner.
The Champion D-Phones are granted to Paragon members by Agito Soma.


Crown D-Phone "Caliburn"

Model Number
Operating System
World Tree V.3, Camelot OS Structure (trademarked Jetten Kozuki via Circuits Infinity)
Special Abilities
Golden Gate System Access
Hacking Signal
Quick Armament System App "Armory"
Crown Lancer Legion Application
Touch based.
Shortcut screen on front, swivel display type touch screen, touch pad with shortcut feature.
Phase Shift keyboard allocation.
Inner and outer cameras.
Crown D-Phones are created by plugging in an opposing faction D-Phone into a set device that takes apart and reassembles the current phone into the chosen model.

Daedalus Initiative

Oracle III D-Phone "Sibyl"

Model Number
Operating System
World Tree V.3, Pythia OS Structure (trademarked Shirasawa Cypher via Iwakura Technologies)
Special Abilities
Porticullis Gate System Access/BIFROST Transit System Access
Genomon/Chimaimon Sortie System
"Odysseus" Materiel Database Deployment System
Orion Lock Digitama Sealing App
Touch based
Full gyroscopic display
Back and front cameras, with integrated LoE scanner
Digizoid armored build capable of withstanding low grade gunshots.
Oracle D-Phones are constructed on a robotic assembly line; in the case of a Tamer who converts from another faction, the Initiative has a procedure for removing the core data of the old D-Phone and transferring it to an Oracle shell. They can utilize all Initiative-based technology including Pseudo-Digimentals.

Order of Stability

Grimoire D-Phone "Covenant"

Model Number
Operating System
World Tree V.3, Midnight OS Structure (trademarked Ronwemon)
Special Abilities
Dark Gate System Access
Forced DigiXros
Integrated Magic Code App "Spellbook"
Corebat Control System
Touch based
Shortcut screen on front, dual screen capacitive screens, full gryoscopic display
Optional analog keyboard via Dimension System
Inner and outer cameras.
Oracle D-Phones are constructed on a robotic assembly line; in the case of a Tamer who converts from another faction, the Initiative has a procedure for removing the core data of the old D-Phone and transferring it to an Oracle shell. They can utilize all Initiative-based technology including Pseudo-Digimentals.



Model Number
Operating System
GetElCapitanX, DoIt OS
Special Abilities
"Human Tool"
An odd model D-Phone, design wise it looks like a regular button and screen one panel cellphone, except the screen is framed with an x-frame that splits to reveal a red optic when activated.
It is the opposite in terms of Human-Digimon relationships.
For one, it does not come with a Digimon.
Rather, a single type called X-Techmon comes with every unit.
The X-Cellular warps the desires of the user, making them a tool for the X-Techmon. [R 2]
Stick your hand in the X-Cellular, do it, do it, do it.

Sentinel D-Phone "Dead Number"

Model Number
Operating System
YouWillObeyX, Rectify OS
Special Abilities
Dead Memory
Dark Evolution
Fax Machine Sounds
"Call Ragnarok Collect"
Hell Portal
Analog Keyboard for Faxing
Hey Kid, were you looking for this dark and mystical phone? [R 3]

  1. ^ "Alright. The Digivices have the following abilities. Persona Code, which has your partner manipulate your emotions but grants you some of their powers, Arms Code, which turns them into a weapon, Attack and Defend Code, which weaponizes one of your Digimon's skills for you to use, and Blast Mode, which is something like a supercharge. My Digivice doesn't have that one anymore, but yours definitely does." --Dagrus ("Basic Training")
  2. ^ "The one with the strange eye built into it was called the X-Cellular, and seemed to control the human wielding it--it transformed her into a weapon for the Digimon that it was connected to. It also manifested an...unnatural aura."
    --Umbromon ("Kirin, the Fire that Lost Itself.")
  3. ^ "The Dead Number...is both more prevalent and more disturbing. It is connected to...to the worlds beyond life. The realms of the dead. I do not know much more about it..."
    --Umbromon ("Kirin, the Fire that Lost Itself.")