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== Core Intelligence ==
== Core Intelligence ==
[That time what he and Ragnarok were bros and played Civ all day long.]
[That time what he and [[Core_Intelligence_Ragnarok|Ragnarok]] were bros and played Civ all day long.]
== The Chosen War ==
== The Chosen War ==

Latest revision as of 15:22, 18 January 2016

Of the two Digital World Core Intelligences, "Yggdrasil" was known as the 'God of Chaos'.

Core Intelligence

[That time what he and Ragnarok were bros and played Civ all day long.]

The Chosen War

[That time what he and Ragnarok decided they wanted to play the Sims instead. His Sims invaded Ragnarok's neighborhood and made a parking lot out of it.]

Walpurgis Night

[One of the Sims set the house on fire. Yggdrasil didn't like it at all.]

Murmurings of Rebellion

[Yggdrasil starts playing the Sims all day long and calls himself God of Life and the Royal Knights start thinking maybe he's gone cuckoo.]

The Great Crash

[Oh Balls, someone hit the reset button and fucked shit up.]

Rebellion of the Royal Knights

[Having had enough of him playing Sims all day, the Royal Knights punched him in the junk and took all his stuff... then kicked him out of the house.]

The Agreement with Serge

[Ran into some French Dorkus. Told him he was a Computer Hobo and wanted to use his body to play more Sims. Dorkus agreed. Hobo could BE THE SIMS now.]


[He and Ragnarok decide to give all the Sims swanky phones in their Competitive games. Yggdrasil's Sims decided to modify their swanky phones on their own and eventually broke into 5 Neighborhoods.]

The Second Crash

[People need to stop fuckin' shit up when these two are trying to PLAY A FRICKIN' GAME.]

Mishima Thighs

[Some girl drew him away from the Sims game he was playing and tells him about LARPing.]


[Yggdrasil goes back home, meets Sleipmon, has Reasonable Discussion about how important Sims are, then kicks Troiamon in the teeth for kicking him out.]