Daedalus Initiative

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The Crest of Daedalus
"Put simply? We are Man's endeavor to become God."

--Nagisa Gendou

Faction Overview

A top-secret intelligence agency created by the United Nations (under the auspices of the UNCF), the Daedalus Initiative's purpose is nothing less than the pacification, conquest, and colonization of the Digital World by humankind, as well as the nullification of its present threat to Analog World security.

It was founded by the Daedalus Steering Committee after the eponymous project discovered the Digital World. The Initiative has access, even more (to a degree) than the Crowns, to extremely advanced levels of technology and is at the forefront of modern science; the leaps they've made in the field of the biological sciences are such that most people would still believe them to be science fiction, and they utilize this and their pool of highly skilled personnel to the fullest in their mission of conquest.

While the Steering Committee are their highest de jure authority, the day-to-day administration of the Initiative as a whole is primarily done by the Executive Director, often shorthanded to simply "the Director". His authority is dispersed through Daedalus' eight Sections; however, in matters relating to Tamers and interaction with the Digimon, the authority of the other Sections is generally outmatched by THESEUS, especially its elite Tamer military force, the THESEUS-XIII.

Base of Operations

While the Initiative maintains a large network of outposts and bases throughout both the Analog and Digital Worlds, the true centers of its power apparatus are the Mobile Citadels, a series of truly immense land vehicles that were built using a combination of designs from Freedom Ship International and NASA's designs on an Alpha Centauri generation spacecraft; they have been upgraded with Digital World technology to the point that they


The Shai-Hulud

A sideways skyscraper on tank treads with a jungle in the basement.


The Watatsumi


The Ouroboros


The Jormungandr

Views on Other Factions



Order of Stability
