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[324] Artist: Crescent | Title: HIKIGANEMON SUPERIOR | Time: 1m
Pic #324

Crescent @ Wednesday, May 12th 2010, 8:38 PM
>_> Part Two of our "Listening to PRAISE TO BE DECEPTICON" Series.

Something close to a bust of Hikiganemon, the adult form Mayumon, Ava's partner. This would be running Assault Mode, where the outermost layer of silver armor is segmented apart.

x_X Slowly taking some more baby steps into getting back into serviceable form. Considering how much I've been sucking lately, happy enough with how it came out - Head could have used something more though. Dunno what. Maybe some vents, and probably some more silver and violet pieces on the rest of the head. Also forgot to add some silver wing casings things on his back.

^^; He turned out more Kamen Rider-y than intended. Probably because of the omissions mentioned above, and the shared insect vibe.
Hunter @ Wednesday, May 12th 2010, 10:50 PM
kamen rider HORN HEAD!

looks cool tho ^^
Crescent @ Wednesday, May 12th 2010, 11:21 PM
^^; I sketched on paper, but maybe if I'm feeling ambitious a bit later, I'll touch it up with my mouse.

XD Not to entirely write off the Kamen Rider thing. The 'W' (As in the letter, not the Rider >>; ) horn/crest design's a bit of an inference from the Hoppers, who I also ended up turning to partially for the chest armor's pattern. x_X Though I think the horn ended up looking a bit more like... er, the red Blade Rider.

But the red eyes and mouthplate are supposed to be more calling of his Soundwave side >_>
Sketch Meister @ Thursday, May 13th 2010, 2:00 AM
Hey hey, very nice man. ^_^

And the Rider you're thinking of is Garren.

.... *likes Hikiganemon so much more now*

[226] Artist: Crescent | Title: Indiscriminate Violence from an Indiscriminate Face (Beware of Police Brutality!) | Time: 1h 15m
Pic #226

Crescent @ Wednesday, February 17th 2010, 3:42 AM
Noel will break you. Such is fact. ....Unless you're a certain sparkling 'lil cloud-haired Cutie >_>

Also, the motorcycle was entirely of Cam's doing <_< So blame him if anyone ever gets smacked in the face by her helmet

But it's unfortunately hard to bring out the Hawtness... <<; or any feminine features for that point when it's just a helmet and shoulders. And I've neglected doing any drawing whatsoever for so long now that I was barely able to do the above T_T Ideally I'll continue to mess around in the coming days, though >>;

-Mostly- oekaki* >_> I was gonna try and sketch something and then figured it would be crap, so decided to do a small oekaki... but suck with a mouse so much I couldn't even make myself a helmet ^^;; So I cheated a little bit and did a very rough sketch outline that I scanned and painted over in most places. Again, vouch for my crappiness by how easy it is to notice what I drew purely by mouse (something I really should have sketched because the black designs on the helmet are nothing like I want them to be XP)

*When I say Oekaki, I mean Photoshop Oekaki >_> But that's because of the Windows/Java issue with the Oekaki that I can't be bothered with ^^;; So may as well just do it where I'm familiar, instead of doing it here, and then having to screenshot, save and upload like Mr. Cactus, nay?
Sketch Meister @ Wednesday, February 17th 2010, 5:21 PM

Leesa: 8D Would she wear the belt to?!?

This... this needs a henshin pose. Sorry man. It really does. XD
Crescent @ Wednesday, February 17th 2010, 5:29 PM
>_> It's your fault

^^;; For those uninformed, Cam wrote Noel driving a bike in himself. To which I figured "May as well use what the Kabuto Extender was based on~" ...Which I then realized is the same bike that Double uses <_< So to avoid another parallel there, I had to make Noel's gear a very blatant Kabuto reference instead of a more mild one XP

<_< Henshin or "Path of Heaven"?

Noel: T_T Die

*Smacked across the face with a motorcycle helmet* X_X

....Could always draw her as such, holding her D-Phone in a henshin pose >>;

*Punched with LIGHTNING* @_x
Hunter @ Wednesday, February 17th 2010, 5:45 PM
considering everything else in the game? It's gonna happen, I mean they're already sorta dressed like Shoutarou and Phillip so why not
YoshinoSuki @ Wednesday, February 17th 2010, 6:34 PM
Hm. I dunno. It didn't do it for me. X_X Yes, I'm on a Macintosh, but... If it was a Javascript issue, I'd think as touchy as Mac and Java are, I'd have seen something. *shrug* ShiPainter isn't as Overbearingly PS as ChibiPaint is, but it allows massive layers. X3 Which is why I like it. I'll have to try ChibiPaint when my tablet has returned and apologized to the little shit... By which I mean Saito.

[225] Artist: Crescent | Title: Detectmon, Always on the Investigation! | Time: 15m
Pic #225

Chibi Paint
Crescent @ Tuesday, February 16th 2010, 4:26 AM
Just to do something actually original, and prove that I suck with a mouse >_>
YoshinoSuki @ Tuesday, February 16th 2010, 5:16 PM
Aph: He's good at disguises... but doesn't that outfit hurt a little? >_> X3
Sketch Meister @ Tuesday, February 16th 2010, 5:26 PM
XDDDD My god it's exactly how I pictured it.

Detectmon: >_> I'll have you know being a cactus is quite the noble and comfortable disguise. Isn't that right, cactus?

Cactus: .... *caaaaaaaaaaactuuuuuuuuuss*

Detectmon: My point exactly.

...... dear god I think he's "Question" level batshit. X_X;;
Akurei Nagisa @ Tuesday, February 16th 2010, 9:56 PM
I think this cactus has a backstory all its own. XD I also love Detectmon's method of disguise.

Hermes: ...o_O You do know that like no one in Mirai owns a cactus, right? You're not...blending in.

Cactus: *caaaaaaaaacccctuuuuuuuuuusss*

Hermes: ...X_X;
Hunter @ Thursday, February 18th 2010, 2:30 AM
Goji (Hunter's pet iguana): .... Guah!!

Cactus: ..... *caaaaaacttuuuuussss~*

Goji: >> GUAH!!

Cactus: ..... *c-c-c-c-c-actus!!*

Goji: ..... *iguana!!*

Hunter: ... he's having a staring contest with a CACTUS

Cactus: .... *caaaaaaaac~tuuuuus*

Goji: ... *iiiigguuuaaaannnaaa*

Hunter: -.- *llleeeeeavvves the roooom*

[224] Artist: Crescent | Title: Pajama Time! | Time: unknown
Pic #224

Crescent @ Tuesday, February 16th 2010, 3:46 AM
>_> Everyone's favorite PJs!

If only I didn't fail epicly with doing any sort of drawing with a mouse.

Original(s) by Cam, of course, just a lot easier (several minutes vs OVER 9000 HOURS) to do it in photoshop instead of stumble incompetently through one of the apps here ^^;
YoshinoSuki @ Tuesday, February 16th 2010, 5:15 PM
ROFL. Zealos PJs. XD *cackle! EXPLODE!*

Suki: T_T What. The. F-

Ex: >_> Now now. They're cute. And probably in the 1ZZ bin at Shop Mart.


Izumi: O_O.... You're.. actually wearing those, Suki-chan?

Suki: >_<; KILL.

*respawns* I actually like how he drew them. Nice work on- *KABOOM!*

Ex: >_>; I'd run. XD
Sketch Meister @ Tuesday, February 16th 2010, 5:28 PM
XDDDD *on the floor, can't get up* Oh god... that's right... both Suki's look alike.. I never considered that it could be used for the DDT version... BAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA!!!! XDDDD

Tetsuo: T__T So who do I kill first? You for leaving open this HORRIBLE loophole or Crescent for INCITING IT!?

Zealos: >.o I'll have you know those are collector's items! The 1ZZ store got them by horrific accident!

Dagrus: >_> I'll say, they were made in the first place.

Zealos: >___<!!! *ZEALOS RAGE!!!!*
Hunter @ Tuesday, February 16th 2010, 7:40 PM
Akurei Nagisa @ Tuesday, February 16th 2010, 9:58 PM
XDDD Hey, at least they're purple, right? *STABBED* Oh god ow.

Akurei: ...o_O; That could explain why she bought them...Wait, I think Mari-chan has a pair of...oh God. X_X;;;;


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