New Adult Block Image! (
August-September 2015)
Seems like it was an oopsie in the code.
Patch fixed it. Should be all better now. ^^
New Adult Block Image! (
February 2014-March 2014)
For those that stay logged in and have adult images on, you may not have noticed that there's a
Hey this pic is adult and not shown unless logged in and choose to see them" image that blocks them normally.
So yeah, it's Justin's fault this is now the new one:

Haha. 8D
Brand-New Super Happy Fun Nonsense Generator! (
January 2013-February 2013)
Rewrite a Generator Code in PHP from Scratch:
It works correctly now and only has marginal issues.
I can add more characters, locations, things, and... other things. ^_~
I can also add more sentences.
Give it a try!
Animations Repaired! (
January 2012-March 2012)
Animations are working!
I'd say again, but as Mariah pointed out,
they never did. XD;
Stupid permissions...
Internet Censorship (
January 2012)
SOPA has been shelved (again)!
Here's hoping they actually get it
and just stop trying with this already.
Leaving the Link to learn about them for a little.
Say no to Internet Censorship, Kids.
Outdated Notifications? (
July-ish 2011-January 2012)
Updated Oekaki Version.
Sorry it took so long.
Couldn't find the Database Update File.
Fixed now! Derp.
Forever News! (
June 2010-like, July 2011)
..............I got bored. I may tweak it later. *cough* Like... actually adding a link to this page somewhere other than here... ^^;
But... I got this done. I can't get the stupid font to work right when adding a new sub-navigations, so this may lead to a revamp of the entire site. Try and help keep me from doing that and breaking everything. >_>;; XD;
Our domain; DNA Tamer.Net; has been renewed for another seas--I mean, year. XD
Update: I also finished messing with colors... Go to "
Edit Profile" and look at
Tamernet, DNA Tamer, and
Dial-Up... I'd like opinions on the schemes. DDT's bothers me a little. T_T;
The thought was to make Templates that matched the Main Site's Color Scheme (!) as well as each board; DDT and DU. It took hours of tweaking to get it anywhere close. DU's wound up Monochromatic Gray.. DDT's is Bluuuuuuuuuuuue. So. Yeah.
Lemme know over on DU?
Changed the Canvas Preview image. X3
Introducing Haru! (
May 2010)

Okay, realizing that there are sometimes pics we draw that we'd like to edit ourselves (*cough*The D-Phone Incident*cough cough*) I realized it may be a good idea to create a User Account who is neutral for everyone so that we can edit our own crap.
But what should I name it? Who should this Neutral Party be?
That's when I remembered that while people are terrified of Ruka... Little Haru is quite helpful and friendly and would be willing to help out wherever she's needed. Despite not seeing a LOT of action on DDT, she has interacted with a few characters in Cyan Square.
Now she will hold your art that you want to be able to edit the base yourself without losing the original. For example, the Base D-Phone Image has been handed over to Haru and the Side-Tracks have been handed over as well so that I can do one on the oekaki board should I decide to do it that way. :P She's only a Moderator, but that allows her to Upload and do other things that she needs to do... Ruka would not have that privilege as I think she'd explode things on us. ^_^;
Last, but not least, I figured out enough of the coding to create a new page. Holding the last Notice as "Old News" the links are still there and references to the last big problem we had. The link to the Archive us just under the banner with the links to the boards.
That's essentially all for now. :P
Re: Issues with Applets (
April-May 2010)
Okay, Updated to Version 1.5.0, so... I'll leave the rest of this note, but let me know if things start acting up. PLZ.
You can read about the issues I've found at the
ChibiPaint Forum or the
Wackintaki Forums themselves.
Most issues seem focused around ChibiPaint, but there were some with PaintBBS and ShiPainter.
Some things that you can do
locally if you are having issues, however, are try to update your Java from or you can try
JTablet, which allows Pressure Sensitivity with Java Applets.
I repeat that this is not an April Fool's Joke. I wouldn't screw with a Database for a Prank... That's just too much work for me to undo later. XD