Bacchiriminna~! I'm Going Ghost!

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Bacchiriminna~! I'm Going Ghost!

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:26 am

EDIT/NOTE: As of ep 18 I am removing the larger images on episodes that are not the current one. The 'thumbnails' in the posts will stay, but I'm not going to go through and remove all the links. Just a notice not to complain about missing larger images. >_>;


Ah~ I found the 'Special' that was apparently blocked in the US on the official channel. (Rude~ ; 3; )

It got me hyped. ^ 3^

I'm really looking forward to Takeru-kun/Ghost. ^ 3^

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I found a sub group that subbed the PV if downloads are preferred,.... because of subs. And... stuff. ( Orange Lion Subs )

Graham found the Tumblr with goodies. [Spoilers abound.]

Kaigan! Ore! LET'S GO! Kakugo Go-Go-Go-Ghost!
"Let’s go! Prepare yourself! Go-Go-Go-Ghost!!"
Also, it's sounding more and more like Kamen Rider Ghost/Takeru is literally Danny Phantom: Ghost’s father was a Ghost Hunter... Takeru died and became a ghost.

I'm actually okay with this. >_>

.....Oh wait, I'm not the only one who thinks that after all.
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BUT YES. OCTOBER. I'm posting this now because I'll get lost and add like 500 more things to this post if I don't.
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Re: Bacchirinminna~! I'm Going Ghost!

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Sun Sep 20, 2015 12:39 pm

Ghost Tumblr wrote:Someone reposted the sound file for Spectre that was included in the zip file. The Ghost Driver’s standby sound for Spectre is “Perfect hero” (バッチリヒーロー Batchirihiro). We already knew that his transformation phrase is “Ready, go! Prepare yourself! Dokidoki! Ghost!” (レディゴー!覚悟!ド・キ・ド・キ!ゴースト! Redigō! Kakugo! Dokidoki! Gōsuto!).

Oh my God, I hope so. I love it. Dokidoki. XD;
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Re: Bacchirinminna~! I'm Going Ghost!

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Sat Sep 26, 2015 12:40 pm


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Re: Bacchirinminna~! I'm Going Ghost!

Postby MasterDJ » Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:08 pm

RIght then, torrenting this.

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Re: Bacchirinminna~! I'm Going Ghost!

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Sun Sep 27, 2015 10:41 pm

Last Preview (since it starts next week!) that was aired after the last Drive Ep.
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Madoka Puppet!
Also, if the powers that be at Over-Time decide; for whatever reason; that they just don't feel like subbing Ghost, we do have OrangeLion Subs. (They're working on Den-O at the moment.)

So there is someone who'll be subbing it for sure. o 3o~!
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Postby Akurei Nagisa » Sun Sep 27, 2015 11:08 pm

MAAAAANNN I SHOULDA POSTED EARLIER BUT YEAH. This shit is hot. This shit is on fire. But like NBA Jam Fire like in GARO. Not bad fire.

Also Yurusen the Madoka Ghost is adorable, Drive Episode 48 (The One Where Shinnosuke Is Bad At His Job After Kamen Driving) proves it.

Really the sole beef I've had with anything Ghost-wise is that the base Ganma design looks a little Shocker Combatman-y, but after Drive proved that budgets mean nothing quality-wise I can forgive it.

Also yeah, if Ignis gets a bee up his ass about Ghost (somewhat likely considering the uh...odd love for Drive of all things at O-T and his disdain for Gaim that sent it Æsir's way) then fuck 'im, OL has my vote. (Though Magenta might save us, he generally has better taste. Yeah I said it.)

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Re: Bacchirinminna~! I'm Going Ghost!

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Mon Sep 28, 2015 3:36 pm


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"Jess Has Scans" Edition

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:09 pm

I scanned these myself from the October Terebi-kun I bought at Kinokuniya before I realized that someone else probably already did this.


I LIKE THESE DESIGNS. I thought at least Cam might also like looking at these. > 3>; Also, check out that Henshin Sequence. 8D (Click the little ones to see details, of course.)

I like that the helmet is blank until the form is complete. o 3o (See pages 4 and 5.)

And~ I like the little cartoon about Edison and Musashi. lol

Page 1

Page 2-3

Page 4-5

Page 6-7

Page 8-9

Page 10-11

Page 12-13

Page 14-15

Page 16-17

Page 18
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Scans Part Two: Jess Gets Carried Away

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Thu Oct 01, 2015 2:46 pm

So like... I got carried away and spent all night doing something silly just because I was having a little fun. *; 3;*

I turned the above last page comic... into this. ☟ (Click it to read it if you can't see it well. As always.)


As a bonus, though, practice. Though, I cheat only on the fact that there was furigana on the page. That book stumps me and I'm curious what it's canonically called. We may find out this weekend, so~! 8D But like, the only thing I didn't redo was Takeru's book because of my lack of fluency in kanji. >_>;

  • I'm sure that 世界 is correct.
  • 偉人 is likely correct, but I won't swear to it. I got it from the section that talked about Takeru's allies (page 13 above) and it mentions "ijin" with these kanji, so I gambled.
  • 餞 is 99.9% wrong because I can't see the silly thing quite clearly no matter what I do. (Also, the title is completely written in fancy script, so flourishes tend to make it harder for me to see things to play the match game. ;_; )

With that guess, though, the book is called 世界偉人餞, or “sekai ijin hanamuke”. ("Famous People Parting Gift”)

I am not at all sure on that one. In fact, I'm pretty confident that it's wrong, because I cannot, for the life of me, tell if the last kanji is just a "complicated kanji" or "two kanji written smaller than the rest of the title".

Like I said, we'll probably find out in the first or second ep, but I'm all for a terrible joke in the meantime. >_>
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Re: Bacchirinminna~! I'm Going Ghost!

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Sat Oct 03, 2015 1:16 pm

I finally refound the stream link last week for Ninjas and Final Drive.

I bookmarked it then. But just in case I screw up and lose it again; and this way others can find it; I usually watch the stream here:

o 3o~

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Kamen Rider Ghost Theme

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Sat Oct 03, 2015 8:17 pm

Kishidan - "Warera Omou, Yue ni Warera Ari" (我ら思う、故に我ら在り, "We Think, Therefore We Are")

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Ep 1

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:29 pm

I believe Takeru is a Musashi Fanboy and I love it. Granted the whole book (which I still can't figure out the last kanji despite hearing it from Akari's mouth. [sekai ijin (oku?) I really think it's just like a historical collection of 'Famous People'... but it's personally bugging me. >>; ]

I mean... he's so excited to tell her all about Musashi! Akari doesn't seem to care. >_>
Also, what's there is similar to what was in the magazine comic. (The first line is actually verbatim what's on his wikipedia entry. >>; )

Information Tidbit on Musashi wrote:偉人豆知識 宮本武蔵

ijin mame chishiki - Miyamoto Musashi
Edo jidai shoki no kenjutsu-ka.
Shougai de kazuouku no kettou shoubu ni shiouri shita
kengoudeari, 'Niten Ichi-ryuu' toiu ni katana ryuu
wo umidashita "dai kengou".

Hero Info Tidbit - Musashi Miyamoto
A swordsman in the early Edo Period.
In his lifetime, he won a number of duels
as well as created a dual-wielding style
called "Niten Ichi-ryuu".
(He was a great swordsman.)

Well this looks vaguely important. >_>

I had a brief flashback to Sailor Moon when he beat his first Ganma. >>
I mean, it's adorable as hell... but I think it's fair to say that Usagi bounced higher. >_>
(I mean, just look at these Cinnamon Rolls, I love it.)

I think 16 minutes into the first episode is a new record for "Table-san abunai!" but I could be wrong. It was even one of the GOOD tables!

Ever since it was pointed out that Kyoruger did "Sing and Dance with us after the break" was suspicious of this when I saw it. I mean, I don't often notice that.

CM no ato, Musashi no chikara, daikatsuyaku.
"After the Commercial Break, Musashi's power participates!" or, I suppose, "After the Commercials, Musashi's power takes an active role!" >_>;

Takeru returns to his batcave and goes to his book again, Sennin is there! No longer wearing all that gold lamé. Sennin, using a stuffed giraffe to tell Takeru he's only got 99 days doesn't make it better. >_>

I know they did it with OOOs' medals, but this feels a lot more like Gaim's Lockseed counter. > 3>

Rather than edit it, I'mma just post my IMs with Cam. > 3>
AIM wrote:9:50 PM Cam
so is he dead?
9:50 PM Cam
and if so how dead we talking here
9:53 PM Jess
Dead dead.

He gets murdered by the Ganma.

His spirit, because of his actions, becomes a Heroic Spirit and enters the Self Eyecon.

After gaining the Driver and returning to where his body lays dead, he then learns how to transform.

He is then Usagi-level terrified of his own Parka Ghost. >_>
9:54 PM Cam
that I saw in the meh quality youtube vid I found
9:54 PM Cam
So does he reclaim his body? X__X
9:58 PM Jess
Sort of. It does disappear; shocking the hell out of Onari and Akari; but then after the fighting, he returns to the temple, Akari and Onari are mad at him for disappearing, but glad he's alive.

"Actually, the truth is, I'm a ghost."
"That means he really did die."
"That can't be, I can see you right here with my own eyes."

To which he disappears again when they shake the hell out of him.

Then those two argue over whose fault it was that Takeru is now a ghost. >_>
9:58 PM Jess
I think this whole thing means he's a full-on ghost. Perhaps his body became his Parka Ghost?
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Re: Bacchirinminna~! I'm Going Ghost!

Postby Akurei Nagisa » Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:32 pm

I have only seen the raw but already I'm psyched. I mean, this is clearly not a Gaim. This is the sort of "back to formula" Rider Justin was talking about over in Drive...

But it works! It really works! It's this beautiful blend of fun and serious and already I'm interested rather than frustrated. Like that big Ganma-esque seal, what is that? And they clearly come from Eyecon-like constructs too! And like...maaaaaaannn what's the deal here?! I'm excited rather than frustrated or weirded out!

It helps that Takeru is adorable as hell, I guess. Also that he isn't a professional slacking off on the job, he's some kid haunted by his dad's death who has his gf and a monk yelling at him.

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Re: Bacchirinminna~! I'm Going Ghost!

Postby Crescent » Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:39 pm

But it ain't back to the formula, dawg >_>

Specter's gonna be showing up a lot sooner than the W-Formula Second Rider. And he works on the same system as Ghost. So we're talking about someone like another Armored Rider or a Ryuki/Kabuto/etc Rider where they're all on the same tech.

I'd also be willing to be that we're going to wind up with at least a (proper; not Chase-style) third Rider at the minimum (otherwise Ghost and Specter will be getting a ridiculous number of forms/power-ups).
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Re: Bacchirinminna~! I'm Going Ghost!

Postby Akurei Nagisa » Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:45 pm

¬ 3¬ Accel also worked on GaiaMemories, dude. So it's only not W-Formula in:

-lack of absolute slavish devotion to the two-episode arc a la Drive
-the Secondary Rider is showing up earlier than usual

And eh, I don't have a problem with them all/mostly working on Eyecon tech (inasmuch as it is tech, it seems to just be MAGIC EYEBALL THING GO). It'd be harder here to fit in an OOO-style (HA) outside system, I think, though if they introduce the right organization it's still open.

But I mean Not Gaim as in this is clearly not a MANY RIDERS OF ALL COLORS TATAKAI going on here, much more straightforward Two Guys And Probably A Third All Working Towards Justice In The End Probs

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Re: Bacchirinminna~! I'm Going Ghost!

Postby Crescent » Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:21 am

Let me phrase the tech/system thing in more plain terms: "Same costume parts" >_>

Same costume parts = each individual Rider's costume is a lot cheaper = more Riders

Specter is literally a blue ghost with a different faceplate. When you only have the one secondary Rider, he's going to have a unique armor design, whether or not the Rider works on a completely different tech/gimmick (such as Birth) or a variation of the main Rider's gimmick (such as Accel)

Ghost either;
1. Is going to have at least three Riders, if not more. Specter will be coming before ep10. Kabuto had two Riders by that point, and then introduced another three between then and ep 21 (and wound up with 8 unique Riders in the tv series). Come the next quarter's toy magazines and such we'll prolly get a better idea if we are gonna see more Riders.
2. Ghost and Specter are going to have a zillion forms plus 2+ power-ups for Ghost and at least one for Specter (and the mid-season power-up that they'd both have would be something significant and unique gimmick-wise; not sharing its main weapon/toy item with the final form like Gaim and Drive did)
3. Has absolutely no budget ;_;
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Re: Bacchirinminna~! I'm Going Ghost!

Postby MasterDJ » Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:47 am

I'm leaning towards more than the two. I mean how many times does the secondary Rider appear that early in promotional materials? And the system thing is right, as long as I can remember for Heisei Riders the true close to mid-season Rider never uses the same type of Driver.

Look at Kabuto. All those Riders and only four used a belt system, and from that four two were mass produced models (Hoppers) and two were "classic" (Kabuto and Gattack) but had way different voices. Gattack was special because he was the only one to share a Driver type.

If Spectre in fact has the exact same stuff there has to be at least a third that uses something different. Maybe he's (or she's, will always wish after having Marika) a more direct counterpart to Takeru in that the third is also dead and fighting to get back to life. Maybe it's more tech based or mystical in a different sense, like closed to the Ganma.

I can't say for what sort of budget Ghost is getting, hell the only reason Chaser happened was because of popularity and the excuse that the Mach Driver Honou was the testbed for mass production.

...You know who I wouldn't mind seeing? Foundation X. Probs not gonna happen, but I'd settle for those fuckers popping back in like the new age Shocker they're supposed to be.

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Re: Bacchirinminna~! I'm Going Ghost!

Postby MasterDJ » Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:24 am

Has anyone seen what the damn Driver looks like beneath the top case? ... askOff.png


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Re: Bacchirinminna~! I'm Going Ghost!

Postby Crescent » Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:38 pm

Blame OOO Producer Lady, who basically immediately killed Foundation X because she doesn't like the overarching concept much. They survived briefly through Movie Wars thanks to the W/Fourze staff, but prolly now an afterthought. When they want a Shocker-like organization they just shamelessly pull out more SHOCKER in the crappy Spring movies.

As the counterpoint, eh, she was Gaim's producer and I think involved with getting Urobuchi behind the reigns, so a fair enough tradeoff >_>
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Re: Bacchirinminna~! I'm Going Ghost!

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:34 pm

I have! I thought you might have already. ^ o^;

Creepy damned thing. But I wonder if that might actually come into play later in the series? >_> Maybe? <_< o:

Too Spoopy!
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